Monday, 16 August 2010

Ross' Yorkshire Puddings!

After years of my mum attempting to make a half decent Yorkshire (and I mean YEARS) she got the recipe off bizarrely my boyfriend! These are without a doubt the nicest Yorkshire pud's to grace your Sunday roast! If you follow the rules they'll be absolutely delicious. The ingredients are simple but it's the measurements that are crucial and all you need is a mug, no scales or weights needed!


  • Plain Flour
  • 2 Eggs
  • Milk
  • Tap Water
  • Salt and Pepper to season

Pre-heat the oven at the highest possible temperature. The muffin tin must be filled 2mm's with vegetable oil and must be placed in the oven 10 minutes before adding the batter.

Whisk both the eggs in a large mug and pour into a large mixing bowl. Where the eggs have been in the mug there will be a residue left round the edge. Pour in a dusting of flower to line the mug (this will stick to the residue to make the line more visable). Then fill the mug to the line with the plain flour. Add this to the mixing bowl! Where the flour has been there will be a mark fill the mug half way to the line with the water and the remaining half with milk. Add the water/milk mix to the bowl. Add the batter to the muffin tin that has been pre-heating the oil. Cook for 20 minutes until they have risen and look crispy on top. They must be crispy on top as they will flatten if you open the oven!


My yummy dressing...

I've decided to blow my own trumpet a little and post what I believe to be THE BEST recipe for a sort of multi-use all purpose salad dressing that can also be quickly transformed into a dip! I don't really have a name for it other than 'Hannah's French Style Dressing'!

  • Natural Yogurt (4 heaped tablespoons)
  • Olive Oil (6 tablespoons - preferably a reasonably good quality one)
  • White Wine Vinegar (2 teaspoons)
  • Wholegrain Mustard (2 teaspoons)
  • Salt & Cracked Pepper to season

This tastes wonderful on a variety of salads including a nicoise salad and if you add more natural yogurt it tastes fantastic as a dip with carrot and cucumber batons!

It also tastes particularly nice when used to dress my 'Ali D's Mean Bean Salad' (see recipe below)

This salad was first made by my mum and involves 3 simple ingredients:

  • A can of Cannellini Beans strained and rinsed with cold water.
  • A whole tin of tuna (2 tins if you're making this for more)
  • A whole red onion finely chopped.
  • Salt and Pepper to season.
  • Olive oil or The 'Hannah's French Style Dressing!

It's delicious in a large portion on a bed of rocket for lunch or as a side salad with BBQ food.