Sunday, 15 July 2012

Black Forest Gateau Cake

If you read Knives.Forks.Spoons.Spears regularly you'll know I have a love for the retro and ridiculous and this recipe is just that. Nothing beats a simple chocolate cake and this little gem elevates that to a different level.

Black Forest Gateau was a big hit in the 1970's and I hope to bring back a little of that nostalgic charm with this twist on a humble chocolate cake.

- 4oz self raising flour
- 6oz margarine or butter
- 6oz caster sugar
- 4oz coco powder
- 6 tablespoons of cherry jam (this can be any flavour of red berry jam but I feel cherry is best)
- 15 fresh cherries de-stoned and halved
250ml of double cream

- Pre-heat your oven to 190C.
- Cream together the fat and 6oz of caster sugar.
- Beat the eggs and whisk into the fat and sugar mixture.
- Sift in the flour and coco powder fold in being careful not to knock out the all important air.
- Grease two sandwich tins and place grease proof paper at the bottom and place in your cake batter.
- Bake for 25-30 minutes.
- Once the cake has cooled completely on a wire rack lightly whip the double cream until stiff peaks form.
- Using a pallet knife spread 3 tablespoons of the cherry jam on one cake and half the double cream on the other.
- Evenly place the cherry halves onto the jam side of the cake and place the cream side on top.
- Again using your pallet knife spread the remaining cream onto the top of the cake and the jam on top.

*top tip* This cake tastes delicious with warm chocolate sauce over the top. 

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